Instrumental Music Teacher Educators (IMTE)
Fifth Biennial Colloquium
May 16-19, 2013
Deer Creek Resort ~ Mt. Sterling, Ohio
All sessions will take place in the Scarlet Oak Room unless otherwise noted
All meals will be held in the Mezzanine, except for Friday dinner.
Thursday Afternoon
Arrive and enjoy Deer Creek. Go golfing, walk in the woods, join the pontoon boat regatta, relax in the lodge.
5:00 pm
Dinner in Rafters restaurant (not part of meal package)
Thursday Evening
7:00 pm
Opening session
Poster session #1
Opening reception [Harding Cabin]
Friday Morning
7:00-7:50 am
Yoga (optional)
Poster session #2
Communicating Assessment Using Synchronized Video Feedback
- David Rickels
"Orchestra" Reimagined [Buckeye]
- Judy Palac & Jenny Spurbeck
From Teaching Plan to Curriculum Development: Incorporating Comprehensive Musicianship Through Performance into the Instrumental Methods Course and Student Teaching [Scarlet Oak]
- Laura Sindberg
Friday Afternoon
1:30-2:15 pm
The edTPA: Implications for Music Teacher Education
- Sean Powell & Kelly Parkes
Advancing Instrumental Methods Instruction: Online Coursework for Graduate Student Practitioners
- Pat Grutzmacher & Craig Resta
Free Time
Friday Evening
6:00 pm
Town Hall: "Been There, Done That" IMTE Member Reflections on Major Career Transitions
- Dan Isbell & Molly Weaver, facilitators
iRecreation - Come join in an informal sharing session for professional and personal uses of iDevices , and participate in an iDevice ensemble jam session
Saturday Morning
7:00-7:50 am
Pilates (optional)
Poster session #3
Planting the Seeds: Instrumental Music Teacher Educators Perceptions of Creative Music-Making
- David Stringham, Linda Thornton, & Dan Shevock
Rethinking Music Teacher Preparation: Adventures in Curriculum Reform [Buckeye]
- Margaret Schmidt & Jill Sullivan
Student-Centered Learning: Application and Transfer in the Instrumental Rehearsal [Scarlet Oak]
- Rick Webb & Ed Zunic
Saturday Afternoon
Noon-2:00 pm
Lunch and Birds of a Feather Discussions (Grab-N-Go lunch -- meet with your group anywhere inside or outside the lodge)
- Topics for lunch discussions will be generated by colloquium participants throughout the first two days of the colloquium .
Keynote Address: The Joy of Music Teaching: An Unexpected Journey
- Bob Phillips ~
Happy Hour
Saturday Evening
6:00 pm
Dinner - Outside picnic (weather permitting)
Campfire Conversations: continuing conversations, roasted marshmallows, and s'mores around a campfire.
Session #1
- Perceptions of Instrumental Music Education Majors Regarding Singing - Christian Bernhard
- Developing Practical Musicianship Skills in the Undergraduate Keyboard Program - Bruce Dalby
- Student Perceptions of and Reflections on a Technique-class Graduated Peer-teaching Experience - BettyAnne Gottleib
- A Survey of High School Jazz Teaching Methods and Ensemble Organization in Illinois - Dan Healy
- The Development of Vernacular Musicianship Among Music Education Students - Dan Isbell
- Integration of Solo and Chamber Music in the Instrumental Classroom - Brian Meyers & Danelle Larson
- Measuring Small Group Creativity in Pre-service Music Teacher Education - Clint Randles
- Innovative Strategies for the Undergraduate Percussion Method Course - Jared Rawlings
- Identity Perceptions of Post-graduate Music Education Majors - Crystal Sieger
- Informal Learning in the Band Room: Facilitating High School Band Students’ Aural Learning through Student-led Practices - Amy Spears
- Action from Reflection: Goal Setting by Pre-Service Music Teachers - Linda Thornton & Jason Gossett
- Measures of Preservice Music Educator Commitment Social Justice - Daniel Hellman, Cynthia Wagoner, Dale Bazan, & Frank Heuser
- Developing the Inner Musician: Teaching Band Instruments to Singers and Stringers - Chad West
Session #2
- Staying Within the Culture from Without: Arranging African Music for Bands - David Akombo & Doug Johnson
- A Visit to the City: Instrumental Music Education Methods' Students Reflections on Urban Fieldwork - Kate Fitzpatrick
- The Justification of Music Education in P-12 Schools: An Examination of Three Recent Advocacy Publications by NAfME - Erin Hansen
- A National Survey of High School Principal Perceptions and Opinions of Large Ensembles in the Secondary Music Curriculum - Linda Hartley, Frank Heuser, & Molly Weaver
- We Got the Beat: Building Rhythmic Literacy From the Ground Up - Barry Hartz
- Why Students Continue to Play: A Survey Investigation - Danelle Larson
- Ethical Problem-Solving in Music Education: Preparation and Practice - Joelle Lien
- Teaching and Fostering the Development of the Executive Skills in Instrumental Music Education - Kristin Mozeiko
- Popular Music in Instrumental Music Education: Identifying Current Practice at the Secondary Level - Lauren Ogden
- The Intersections of Music-making and Teaching for Four Student Teachers - Kristen Pellegrino
- "Staying On Our Feet": A Case Study of an Online Community of Novice Music Teachers - Kate Robertson
- Defining Confident Music Improvisation: Perceptions among University Improvisation Teachers - Dan Shevock
- Formative Feedback in Pre-Service Music Teaching: A Review of Literature - Jill Sullivan & Molly Weaver
Session #3
- Music for All?: School and Community Profiles of Marching Bands Participating in Bands of America Grand Nationals - Wesley Brewer
- Beginning Music Teacher Induction and the Attainment of Micropolitical Literacy - Colleen Conway & Jared Rawlings
- Strategies for Instrumental Music Educators Supporting the Social and Emotional Challenges of Their Students - Scott Edgar
- Online Musical Collaboration for High School String Students - Lindsay Fulcher
- Rock & Roll High School: A Genre Comes of Age in the Curriculum - Robert Gardner
- Band Director Disposition: Values Viewed Through an Ethical Lens - Jason Gossett
- Music Educators' Perceptions of the Value of Courses in Their Undergraduate Music Teacher Education Programs - Timothy Groulx
- The Challenges and Rewards of Implementing an Audiation Based Curriculum in Beginning and Middle School Band - Barry Hartz
- A Content Analysis of Exhibitors at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic from 1959 - 2007 - Nathan Johnston & Emmett O'Leary
- "I'm supposed to enjoy teaching...but I just dread this": Preservice Teachers' Reflections on Field Experience Teaching Episodes - Nathan Kruse
- Instrumental Music Educator Participation in Discussion Forums within Online Learning Communities - Tammy Kuntz
- The Collective Conception and Creation of Music to a Video Game Sequence - Brian Meyers
- Teacher Personality Characteristics in Instrumental Music Education Majors - David Snyder